


01-10-2014, 02:26 PM

The sky was full of eyes where the stars should be - they watched a lantern move beneath them who sinuously meandered through the tall grasses, fleeting like a lost firefly. But she was anything but lost, she did not wander these lands aimlessly - no, she sought the presence of an acquaintance. The feline Kusugra; the King of cats, who stole her away for a night of simple indulgence and she had sealed the deal. He was to own her, to display her like a brassy trophy. Karmen, ideally, wanted to feel loved and adored, to be spoiled with pleasures of the flesh for the first time. She didn't mind being owned, she lusted for it.

But he had plenty of women to assuage his desires - and that is why Karmen wanted nothing to do with him permanently. She saw the woman by his side at the Glaciem war meeting, his little toffee-sweet who clung to his side, and he welcomed it. When she invaded his home she could smell the wafting perfume of his many wenches, and it coiled her insides like a rattlesnake in wait.

Karmen came second to no one.

The nymph put her back against the girth of a large tree, leaning her head into the bark, her pastel eyes searched the leaves for a familiar pair of feline eyes, but alas, she did not catch a glimpse of him. ?Kusugra,? she called for him softly, letting his name spill from his lips like honey, summoning him as if they had been lovers for thousands of years. But the truth was that he was genetically incapable to be hers, and he was almost everything she could ever want; spanish, dark and tall, whose elegance and class was superior to any other mutt who dared to attempt to leave his mark on Karmen. And he was sinister to the core, as was she.