
The Dainty Arts


01-10-2014, 03:34 PM

Impra's rough compliment, forced out around her mouth of foliage, amused the brute. He hummed his recognition of her words, feeling incapable of coherency at that moment in time. Her own mouthful of flowers was lovely, and it seemed she had put more planning into this reconnaissance than Aros had, but it mattered little to him. As far as he was concerned, pups of any age cared little for strategy or plot. Just as they were leaving the meadow, a certain spread of petals caught his eye. He saw flora of identical kind to that which Impra had gathered so dutifully, but this one was quite subtly different. It sat nestled between others of it's kind, all either red or white or pink. But this flower, resting at the heart of the others, seemed to be the child of all these. It's petals were white, and yet flecked with pink, and at it's very fringes was a dusting of red. Aros' steps slowed, as his gaze flicked back and forth between the flower and the fae before him.

Aros was overcome with the... strangest emotion he had yet felt in his life. His compulsion drew him a step closer to the plant before he brought himself up short. They had collected all that was required of them and, as such, it was time to go. Time to leave this bright, colorful, joyful, horrible, wondrous place. And yet, he resisted. Some voice of strange reason drove him to close the distance between her and the flower. Unsure why, he threw reason aside and nipped at it's stem, collecting it as well. The flower rested in his mouth, at it's very forefront. He did not think Impra had seen him, so why did the thought of her doing just that fill him with a strange fear? He was not in the wrong! This flower just... compelled him. as they drew closer to the camp, passing where he had lounged among the trees, he ducked aside and lay the flora down upon the pines, to let it rest in the warm spring sunshine. Perhaps he would come back for it later. That too was a compelling thought, but a queer one, and he brushed it aside as well.

"Speech," Thoughts,