
Whose bed have your boots been under?


03-13-2013, 09:49 PM

All thoughts of his pain had come and gone. Though his side ached every now and then when he took a larger step than normal, it was nothing he couldn't handle and bite back for the time being. Loccian would have something for his pain, if his mother would allow him to be treated. Well, of course she would, she wasn't that mean. She wasn't really mean at all, but he saw her that way simply because she was strict. He had a feeling she still thought of them as little pups and not the yearlings that they were. Truth be told, the boy was nearly three fourths grown, almost entirely his adult size.. though his large paws said that he still had a bit more growing to do. Maverick began to think more about what would happen when he got home, not necessarily the parent part of it, but just Seracian life. His father had mentioned the possibility of him becoming the Prince. What sort of duties and training would be required for such a position? He assumed that he'd be allowed to invite others into the pack, which meant frequent trips to the battlefield and back. Surely his father would pour into him as much as possible, if he were to take over the pack in a few years' time. But what time would that leave for him to steal off and see her again? He had been planning that for a while now. Maverick wasn't thrilled with the idea of this being a one-time encounter. He wasn't sure he could go on knowing he wouldn't ever see her again. Okay.. perhaps that was a bit overdramatic.

Still, Maverick wanted to see her again. The question was, did she want the same? Surely she did, the way she was flirting with him. But what if she was Princess of Valhalla, didn't that mean she had a lot of other important things to do than fraternize with a Seracian Prince? Thoughts were racing ninety miles a second up until she spoke, mentioning that perhaps their meeting ought to be kept secret. Maverick only gave a nod, but one that said he would never tell another soul. Not even Kamala, although some part of him wanted to share it with someone. The girl spoke up again, mentioning her rank and shooting down his little quip. Her brother was the heir, that made sense. Kamala had been looked over, mostly because of her gender. He knew that if she had been a male there would have been a hard decision to make on Gerhardt's part. Lucky enough for him, she was indeed female. She spoke up with her own chosen path, Lead Warrior. Maverick stopped in his tracks for a moment, quirking a brow at her suspiciously. Was this a joke? But he could read on her face that it wasn't. What had made her choose Lead Warrior? But then he saw it, the fire in her eyes. Immediately a smile cracked across his face. I've never met a girl daring enough to try for that position. He paused for a moment. But I think you can do it. You've got class, sweetheart.. but you've also got spunk. Glitter flashed in his green eyes as he beamed at her for a moment, fully certain that she would be a great warrior, but worried all the same. God help the wolf that put a scratch on her pretty little face. Maverick would rip them to shreds.

Eyes swept forward curiously, noting the water was pooling up ahead and barely seemed to be moving. He could also scarcely see the bottom. Perhaps this would be deep enough to swim in? Without hesitation he bounded forward, kicking with his back legs purposefully with intentions to splash her with the cool ravine water. As he plunged forward, his chest was coated in water. It was deep enough to swim here. With just his shoulders and head above the surface, Maverick turned back and smiled coyly. Care for a swim, gorgeous? He swam in a tight circle, clearly enjoying himself thoroughly. If there was anywhere Maverick Tahir-Mathias felt at home, it was in the water.
