
You need a torch to light a flame[JOINING]


01-10-2014, 05:28 PM

No one had ever asked her what kind of pack she had run. No one had seemed that interested, many she had seen and come across, ones she knew before leaving simply brushed it off like it was some sort of fairy tale. It didn't surprise her though, her behavior before becoming part of that northern pack was rather in a hatred towards those who had been so bitter to her. Only for that to have been beaten out of her out of the group of five males within her slavery days. And some would even call her insane for letting them live after she took their fathers spot. However, she was not an evil doer, she simply understood the pain, their pain and gave them a reason to live and breath as well as be kind instead of taking their frustration on slaves in which she abolished upon becoming the shaman. Vahva's red eyes looked thankful to Chryanthe as they calmly made their way to the destination. "It was a northern pack, the pack there enslaved me and another female named itu. The pack consisted of the king and his five sons who some were of different mothers and he did not treat them well. While they were abusive, once the king died I took the pack and ran as Shaman. I gave the men a chance to redeem themselves because I understood that they simply felt that they were not being of any use. The pack was a peaceful one, mainly a caretaker between two of the neighboring kingdoms who tended to have quarrels often but our job was to settle things so that both of the kingdoms were happy." Vahva explained, when she thought back to it. Itu had been so fragile, she didn't know what would have happened if Vahva hadn't been there.
Vahva chuckled when Chrysanthe asked about family. "Funny as it seems my families blood line is squirming around all across alacritis. Though I have a few pups whom I don't know weather they followed me from home or not. I left the pack in the hands of Itu, and their father who was one of the sons of the king. But I am aware I have family in Seracia and a few loners about." She explained calmly and cooly. As they walked through, and Chrysanthe spoke Vahva listened intently. Giving nods to tell her that she was listening. "I cannot thank you enough Chrysanthe. I can see Valhalla has a very worthy alphess indeed." Vahva stated smiling at the other lady.
