
Are you ready for a perfect storm


3 Years
01-10-2014, 05:43 PM
Between his travels from the north, and his dip into the salt water of the ocean he smelled like most rogues. All scent of Amenti was gone at this point, but honestly, it didn't strike Aeron as something to hide. He would stand before the russet female, a shining example of neutrality - and yet he had to be curious didn't he? To introduce himself, to walk toward her, did that not mean that he was looking for something, for someone? If it did, Aeron was not aware, he acted on instinct, implulse, and so far in life he had learned to introduce himself because names were important to other wolves. For that reason alone he would remember hers. "Sibelle..." Turning it over in his own mind and saying it once to feel it on his tongue, he found that he liked it. It reminded him of something familiar.

Her expression nearly caught him off guard, Silana was much like him, empty compared to those more passionate - living for the sake of staying alive. It was the way that they knew how to live. Yet there was something that shone in her yellow green eyes that he didn't know how to react to, and because of that he was left somewhat confused, and a moment of doubt would wash over him, forcing his eyes to fall to the sand at his feet. He stayed that way as she rose to sit, and wouldn't move at first when she spoke to him. The cold was his acquaintance. "I grew up in ze cold." He would say quietly - but when she rose his gaze would follow her up. "I like ze islands. Zey are special - vat sort of land floats in ze ocean?" He had shared thoughts similar to these once before. "Your 'ome is so much different from mine." The complete opposite to the caves that he had grown used to that winter.