
Two hearts are better than one

Ares 1


01-10-2014, 05:58 PM

He would join her in a gentle laugh as her words would reach his ear, their addictions matching. He would close his eyes and enjoy the kiss she returned to him, as her weight would be felt leaning into his own form. He would let himself be amazed at the events that had just transpired, he and Devya.. he would have never guessed that he would have experienced that with her. In fact, he never thought he would have ever, there had been no emphasis on procreation in his child hood. Not that either of them thought about children, with only barely being in adulthood themselves.
As his thoughts would grasp the concept she would direct him back to where they had been laying before. Her beautiful form would gracefully come to rest on the earth, Ares would linger for just a moment on her before bringing himself to rest around her. He would let his head rest upon her shoulders to where he could easily take in her features with his gaze. "That was amazing Devya, but.. you don't think... You don't think you'll have any.. children now?" He was so uncertain about the whole thing, he had no idea about maturity and how old a she wolf had to be beforehand. He didn't know what would happen, but hopefully she would put his fears to rest.

I can talk!