
i lack much more than innocence



5 Years
01-10-2014, 08:13 PM

And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out

I'm gonna raise the stakes, I'm gonna smoke you out

Raisa could not restrain the chuckle that bounced from her lips. The man's words held an undercurrent of the snide and knowledgeable. Raisa quirked a brow as he turned to face her, inspecting him as he was no doubt inspecting her. She was still several lengths away, and stopped just so. She had to laugh again, at the strange twist this day was taking. The male before her, seemed at a glance, to be so similar and yet never more different. His size and stature was nearly identical to her own. She too had bi-colored eyes, one orange and one teal. Where his light coat tapered to darkness at the tip of his tail, her's was coal gray tipped in white. They both bore odd markings of the face. She smiled at him, ignoring his compliment altogether. "It seems I've slipped through time and come to face my evil twin. Or perhaps I'm the evil one, but who could know. I've only just met you after all." Raisa sat where she stood, roughly ten lengths away from the male. She had only just met him, after all, and knew nothing of him. "I am Queen Raisa Xanilov, of the Ebony Throne. And you are?" A Queen need not worry about offending anyone, as her mother had eagerly taught her, but Raisa knew now she must try to keep her manners about herself. This was not Ebony, and this wolf was not one of her subjects.

"Speech" Think "Koros"
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!