


01-10-2014, 10:29 PM
Rolling around the patch of mud and dust, Finiarel was having fun playing on his lonesome...well, with a strange friend that is. He had found a young Raccoon pup to play with, probably about the same age as him and the mother was nowhere to be found. So, Finiarel had made friends with him and the pair played in the mud. Their coats were plastered with it, but they cared least, until the call rang out. Jerking onto his stomach, Finiarel looked with wide eyes and pointed ears in the direction of the barn, groaning. Not because he had to stop playing...but because he was so dirty. He was sure there was no time to wash off in the shallows of the water, so he pulled himself onto his feet to shake as much of it off as possible. However, it only left his fur to stand in spiky clumps, and it would be almost comical if he wasn't about to go to a meeting. Ah, but children were children. Quickly, he began to trot off in the direction of the barn, little did he know that the baby raccoon was following behind. When he reached the field, a small chatter alerted him to the masked stalker. Turning, bright green eyes held a look of "I'm sorry." He wanted his friend to go with him, but he was sure the others would not be okay with it..."You can't go with me this time...maybe next time okay? I'll come back and play after! I promise." He nudged the pup back the way they came, and he himself continued forth.

Within moments he was at the meeting, glancing around he'd see his mother and siblings, as well as Queen Loccian's children. Bounding over, he'd sit among the kids at the head of the group, tail wagging and unashamed of his dirtied coat. It was only mud after all, and he would wash it off after. "Hi Queen Loccian!" He'd exclaim excitedly, tail beating a mile a minute.