
Dance with the Devil



03-13-2013, 10:44 PM
My training had begun and despite her my stature I knew I'd be a warrior eventually. Pride filled my very core and it gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling. My father was proud of her. It was a great accomplishment for me. There were a few flaws in my technique, but Ulrike made sure he corrected my mistakes.

Of course I had a short attention span and He enjoyed wandering for some reason. He would only be just a voice to others, but to me He was my idol. I obeyed him simply because He wished it. There were times when I ignored him but most often than not what he said was fascinating. I couldn't explain why though.

So I listened him and traveled to none other than the most dangerous place of Alacritia other than Mount Volkan itself. At least if you fell in to the lava it'd be a quick death. Here I knew I had to watch my step else I fall in to the quicksand. I'd heard stories and every part of me said avoid it. Curiosity had gotten the better of me and being the rebel I was I left home to explore. I was totally a star child!

The closer I got the funnier the ground got. My pace slowed from a jog to a careful walk as I picked my way around. I don't know what drug me this way. He had a major part to do with it, but I was also a curious pup. I guess is was just natural to want to travel to the most dangerous area on Alacritia. It was in my DNA. Wasn't it?

I studied the area around me. "Well there doesn't seem to be much life here, does there?

A soft giggled erupted from my mouth at my words. Though the words had been to no one in particular it felt good to talk aloud. I talked to him aloud too, but I avoided it when I was around others. I was alone though and he was silent.

My nose fell to the ground as I started sniffing still avoiding the areas where the sand would drag me under. My white pelt shone brightly under the suns gaze and my brown-red markings seem more red today than usual. I was pretty in my own right. My eyes and facial markings were the most unique though I lacked the natural charm most held. My features were curvaceous and very feminine, but I had yet to find anyone worth charming. I only had my father to wrestle with. It was probably why I was out here now exploring.

I was bored out of my mind. There were no other yearlings or pups my age and no one was that interesting. Most kept to themselves in Tortuga. I wasn't complaining. I mean I was a bi-polar nut case at time but some wolves were just damn creepy even I avoided them.

Shaking my head I continued onward until my foot caught on a rock and I fell. A growl rumbled in my chest as I picked myself and started licking the dust from my pelt.

"Stupid Rock." I muttered to myself. I really had to stop talking to myself. Next thing I'd know I'd be having arguments with me next.