


01-11-2014, 01:27 AM

How intriguing, it looked like the stars had fallen from the very sky above. Crimson pools fell upon the twinkling lights that deigned to grace the world with their presence, floating languidly through the air. Marble pillars would stretch in elegant strides over the plush greenery carpeting the terra underfoot. Broad alabaster pedestals would touch down upon the verdant grass, pawsteps silent as a whisper. Long silken banner would casually sweep across tall heels like a pendulum, stirring a current that dragged the incandescent beings into her wake. She looked like a goddess, and divine she was. Powerful bodice rippled as she strode, ruby optics glinting as she took in the serene lake before her. Indeed the stars must have fallen, the inky blackness of the cloudless night was reflected without a ripple, as were the twinkling lights that danced upon the surface. This could easily be Valhalla, she could have died in the battle with her father and this could be what the legends spoke of. The celestial pools before her was ethereal, cherry paw would slowly reach out and a toe would create a ripple in the face of the lake, proving that it was not in fact the sky having spilled upon the earth.
Elegant as the royalty from which she was bred, haunches would fall with liquid grace to the ground. Seated at the edge of the sandy beach, long tail would remain trailed out behind her like a paintstroke, every hair on her pale frame falling into place with such otherworldly perfection it was as if she had planned each one. Cherry orbs scanned the landscape, taking in the vast expanse of calming water, the strange orbs of flickering light that danced relaxed above and beyond it. There was no moon tonight, but the beautiful, colourless wolfess did not need it. The tiny pinpricks of light floated closer to her still body, curious to see what she was. A tiny creature landed upon the tip of her rosy snout, an opportunity to study the entities presenting itself. Raspberry optics focussed on what revealed itself to be a tiny insect, whose rear was what glowed so magnificently. Calm breaths remained steady, rushing in and out of her nostrils at the same speed to keep from frightening the strange creature. Rosy flanks rose and fell rhythmically, the majesty around her finally something to dwarf her own grace. A few more of the luminescent insects alit upon her immense frame: one between her shoulders, almost petite upon her powerful body; another amid the long strands of her plume; and last of all came a tiny floating globe of light to perch itself between her tall audits. A sight to behold, indeed this was.

image by Luisiana