
Brightly Wound



3 Years
Extra large
01-11-2014, 05:06 AM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2014, 12:16 PM by Kismet.)

Honestly Kismet didn't understand his brother's obsession with that den. He constantly messed around, moving the tiniest amounts of dirt that all seemed incredibly pointless to the caramel and white boy. Their mother had wandered off, and Kismet had sought to perhaps join her, deciding as much as he loved his brother he didn't feel like sitting around watching Soren fuss over all these supposedly big problems within the den. He himself hadn't actually seen even a single problem with it upon their arrival and he assumed his mother had thought the same upon selecting it.

The call of his great aunt disrupted him in his walk however. He hadn't been to a meeting before, in fact the only time they had all been called together as a pack that he could recall it had been for them to leave those old pack lands. Were they moving again? Was this something that packs did regularly? Not bothering to think too much upon the topic, he made his way towards the sound of the call, pausing briefly back at the den to ensure that Soren had realised this time he had to leave it alone and go see their great aunt and to his surprise, there was no sign of him there at all. Maybe he'd have to get his great aunt to call more meetings, just to drag Soren away from his odd and never finished project.

So onwards he continued alone, only stopping now as he reached the meeting area where he could see many members of the pack had already begun to gather including his mother and his brother. Heading over to them, Kismet took a seat upon his mother's other side. "What's happening?" He questioned Azalea, glancing up at her.