
Gather the Gods [MEETING]



01-11-2014, 03:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2014, 03:31 PM by Song.)

A yawn would fall from the Oracle's jaws as her eyes slid open to greet the afternoon sun. A smile would play upon her features as she let her legs stretch out before her before pulling them underneath herself. She would shake the rest of the sleep from her head as she moved to leave the den. It was about time to address her pack once more. Everyone had settled down a bit and she needed to organize some lessons. Her bicolored gaze would turn back from the entrance and to her husband, who was yet to wake from their nap yet. She might not have gotten to sleep next to him very often, but they napped together frequently. She'd let a small giggle from her lips before nuzzling his neck gently. "Wake up my sweet Knight, it's time to rally the pack." she'd wait for him to come to and give him gentle kisses before leading them out of the den.
Delicate porcelain paws would carry her out into the spring air as she took in a deep breath of the fresh air, it was a beautiful day. Birds were chirping happily as the sun shone down brightly upon the pair. Flowers were pushing through the mud and thankfully the harsh winter had done quite a bit of devastation to the bug population. She would send a silent thanks to the gods above for such a brilliant day as she looked back one more to Cherokee. "Are you ready, dearest?" she would nuzzle him again before settling back onto her haunches in front of their den.
She would tip her tiara back to allow the sweet sound of her howl summon the members of her family, of her pack, to her location. There was much business to attend to, and she hoped that all would make their way to her side.

.ooc. It would be really awesome if we could get everyone in on this meeting, including the babies <3 I'm not planning on demoting anybody for tardiness, but if your character doesn't show up at all Song will probably think they've left for good.

"Speech" Think "You"