
Run [Neo]


03-14-2013, 01:56 AM

Luce navigated the heavy mountains slopes with ease, her limber lengthy bodice trailing across the rocks with the grace and fluidity that only time provided her. Neo, was often gone, training relentlessly, he grew stronger, faster, more limber, quick witted, with each passing day. He was an impressive pup and he had all but thrown himself into his training. He wanted to prove himself, he wanted to be the very best he could be. She saw it, as did the rest of Tortuga, but Neo was Luce's prize and she was fast to claim him. It was she whom he slept against at night, she whom he turned to for affection. Ah but he was growing on her, becoming a permanent part of her life. Whether for good or for worse she had yet to decide.

She carried a beaver within the confines of her jaws, she wasn't sure if the pup had ever tasted the rarity before but she enjoyed it, and it would be his treat for doing so well within Tortuga. Ah... but she was growing soft. She was slowly returning to Tortuga, the borders coming within her sights with ease she still needed to navigate her way to the next mountain to reach her den but it shouldn't be much longer of a... a rumbling echoed above her and she paused. There was only one other place she had heard such a sound.

In France, in the mountains, with an avalanche.

Ice colored oculars widened and her skull whipped around. Seemingly thousands of rocks, raced down the side of the mountain, barreling straight towards her. The silver hued dame scrambled forward, talons and claws doing everything they could to hold her balance while she raced. The rocks were gaining on her, the sound of their slamming drawing ever nearer and Luce pushed herself faster, harder. If not for her sake than for Neo's.

She could not escape the pull of gravity and all too soon, the boulders were upon her, crashing into her sides sending her careening into the air, smashing against the stone and spiraling out of control as they swept her down the mountainside, pain slammed into her everywhere, anywhere, and finally she reached the bottom, half draped over one of the stones like a carcass, blurry blue eyes attempted to blink back the pain as she tried to push herself up, her gaze caught the glimmer of a dark before it crunched into her skull painting her world black.
