
In-Law Time



01-12-2014, 12:30 AM

The former Regina was restless. She had ants in her pants and in order to get rid of them, she had to move. The gold vixen had been trapped in the den with her five babies and loving husband for the past few weeks and it was beginning to drive her crazy! Taurig didn't hesitate to offer her free time and he took up all the little ones after they had their fill of milk and were ready to sleep. Maija gratefully nuzzled and licked his cheek before murmuring, "I will owe you one later" in a tone that was only meant for him. A sly smirk appeared on her smooth face and she turned to leave the den.
It was mid-afternoon when she stepped outside. Maija took in a deep breath before she continued to walk down the familiar trail to the beach. Her freedom would be limited, so she intended to enjoy it for as long as she could. Once she reached the shore, she began to walk at a brisk pace. The nipples that had hung low since her birthing were starting to rise back up, giving her the look of being between a 'before' and 'after' photo. She wasn't happy with it, but knew she would get her firm muscles back after the pups were weaned. Such thoughts made her smile to herself. Their babies were growing up. Their children. The possessive piece of the English language was definitely enthralling. It had been a long time since Maija had shared anything with anyone like that.
Suddenly, she missed being with her babies and wanted to turn back, but she became stuck. Her head turned back to the direction she had walked from, but her legs didn't move. Instead, she placed her golden haunches on the sandy beach and sighed. She had just gotten her temporary state of freedom and now she was ready to turn it in. What was going on with her?

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