
Run [Neo]


03-14-2013, 02:27 AM
The thunderous boom of rock on rock reached the cub even from the heart of Tortuga. His eyes widened as the mountain seemed to collapse in on itself and toward the base of the steep cliffs. There would be injured, his family needed helping paws to dig survivors out of the rubble. Without hesitation the young cub ran toward the scene, powerful, strained muscles pushing him toward the calamity. His heart ached for those caught in the landslide, praying that there would be at least one survivor. He could smell blood, he was getting closer, but it was something in the scent itself that stirred him. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but beneath the metallic tang was something familiar. He stopped abruptly, his pupils the size of pin heads. It was the scent he carried on him now. The scent of flowers and crisp spring water. He kept running, all the while the same word running through his mind at a mile a minute. "No"

He collapsed as soon as he arrived. His legs giving out from under him entirely as magenta orbs fell upon his goddess, bloodied and covered in dirt. He attempted to stand but found it difficult. His legs trembled under the slightest strain, forcing him to remain pinned to the earth.His paws covered his face, grief pulling him away from his own body. It was a dream. Just a bad dream. He was going to wake up with his head to Luce's chest like always and they would both laugh at how silly he was for getting worked up over a dream. He moved his paws away just to check, just to see if her body was still there. He shielded his eyes again almost instantly, just barely catching sight of the blood pooling around her lifeless body.

He had killed her. He knew she was out hunting for him, knew that if it hadn't been for him she would still be alive. He knew he had killed her. With a roar of sheer agony he threw himself against a tree, nails digging into the bark and dragging them down, leaving eight perfectly straight gashes in the side of pine. How could life be so cruel to him? To send an angel to deliver him from hell, to have her bring him to paradise and give his life meaning, and then to have her taken from him so harshly. What had he done to anger the gods so much? Where had he trespassed? Why was this happening to him?

Words words words

This is speech