
Yours & Mine



01-12-2014, 12:54 AM

It had been a few weeks since the birthing of their children. Maija was happy with where her life had ended up. She was with a wonderful man who wanted to make sure his family was safe, both immediate and pack-related. Her womb had held five pups, all of whom were gorgeous and had different personalities. The pack itself, though still rogue, were connected as one and wanted to make sure all was peaceful on their island. Most of Maija's life was perfect.
Even though ninety-nine percent of her life was perfect, there was that one percent that hadn't been looked at for some time. Despite getting over having the babies and letting her body slowly build itself back up, Maija craved the love and devotion of her husband. She enjoyed seeing him play with their children and giving them the affection they needed, but at times, she found herself craving him for herself. Dare she say it -- Maija was jealous? Nah, she was just deprived.
So, on this nice morning, Maija set out from the den. Her pups were being babysat by Sibelle, who didn't hesitate to show her affection to them. It would only be for an hour or two, but it would be enough for Maija. A lone howl was given when she reached the edge of the forest, intending on having him follow her tu suite. Eagerly, she waited for his large cobalt form to appear.

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