
lifeblood [birthing]


01-12-2014, 01:09 AM

A sigh of satisfaction left her, when she placed the other child at his mother belly. The labor that been complicated, perhaps one of the most challenging the healer had witnessed, but Sendoa had made it through. Settling back away from the royal pair, she watched the pups as they nestled by the queen's side. Her attention was disrupted by the words that would leave the albino kings jaws. Her ears flicked forward in surprise at what he would say? A new rank? Surprise widened her golden eyes as she stared at him for a moment, before speaking, her soft soprano voice filling the air. "Thank you, Isardis." Pride filled her, for the first time in a while. All the work and pain she had went through to get here, finally felt... worth it. Someone noticed her. Someone noticed her abilities. She was important.

When the cobalt queen spoke to Isardis, her crown would tilt towards the pair, eyes lingering on the pups, hanging around a few more moments to see what names the pups would be given, before she would take her leave to fetch more herbs for the king. Quietly, she would sit, at the edge of the cave, watching the queen and her children carefully. Sage, the naming of the new rank filled her with happiness, as she sat in a bubble of contentness. She was someone.
