
Yours & Mine



01-12-2014, 02:55 AM

She knew that he could sense her eagerness in the air around them. Maija didn't mind if Taurig knew something was different. Her walls were nothing but down around him when they were alone, and that was how it would always be. Through the hard work he went through to get to her soft inner shell, his true devotion to her shined and that was what she had needed after being hurt all those seasons ago. They were an odd couple, but ft like two puzzle pieces: perfectly.
When he greeted her with his pet name, she couldn't help but smile. Words didn't leave her lips, not until she walked deeper into the privacy of the jungle. Ears pivoted on her head as she turned to look at Taurig. Once they were both consumed by the forest around them, she took a few steps forward and rubbed her left side against his own. Her eyes closed from the friction that took place and she hummed softly as she did the same thing to his right side. His fur was still cool from the dampness that the den provided, but she didn't mind that in the least. His touch, hot or cold, was enough to make her fire burn.
Regretfully, Maija pulled back and let him be as she kissed his nose with a gentle lick. "I have been a horrible wife," she said, tones hinting a teasing manner among the Romanian accent. "The past two nights, all I could think about was kidnapping you and flying away to parts unknown. I was so selfish, and having you now makes the fantasies real! Oh, Taurig!" She dramatically sighed, raising a front paw to his broad and scarred chest. "Whatever will I do to make up for my guilt? Surely, there must be a punishment that compares to loving you forever and ever..."
Maija had never been this open and dramatic with anyone in her life. To be able to share her playful side with Taurig was another big step and she enjoyed it. A gentle laugh escaped her lips as she lowered her paw to the ground and leaned in to brush her chest against his. Her head rested between his neck and left shoulder and a soft sigh escaped her lips. "You mean so much to me, my dear cobalt stallion," she whispered, eyes closing for another brief moment in time. She hoped what she had planned that morning would be enough to make up for the time they hadn't spent with each other since arriving on the island.
