
Run [Neo]


03-14-2013, 03:05 AM
His mind was reeling. He swore he heard a soft grunt, but what if his mind was plying tricks on him. Slowly, hesitantly he turned toward the mangled body of his angel. And what greeted him? a sight so beautiful he could feel his heart stop for just a moment. She was moving. She was alive. "LUCE!" He cried, racing toward her with every ounce of strength in his body. He fell upon her like a starved mongrel, assaulting her face with kisses and rubbing his body against hers desperately. "I thought I'd lost you." He sobbed into her fur. He snapped to attention, tearful greetings could wait, he needed to get her to a medic as soon as possible. He slid his muzzle under her rib cage, urging her to stand. As powerful as he had become there was only so much his smaller frame could handle. He needed to get her out of the rubble as fast as he could, his heart racing inside his chest as he glanced fearfully at the mountain, waiting, just waiting for its next assault on his beloved.

Words words words

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