
Run [Neo]


03-14-2013, 03:38 AM

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Luce was groggy and God only knew how she wished for a sprig of poppy seeds to cloud her senses and her judgement. But alas! She had none. She wasn't injured badly, some scrapes and nasty bruises, but nothing that wouldn't heal over a few days of rest, she had been lucky, she could have been damaged far worse than she was, with a grunt she willed her vision to keep focus, blinking repeatedly.

A shout of her name had her head tilting towards the right and a gentle smile drifted across her maw as the flying form of Neo shot towards her like a bullet. He slammed into her body and she took it with a soft grunt, his soft, pink tongue, lulling from his maw to bathe her snout in kisses, his tiny body brushing against hers repeatedly. She chuckled, foolish thing, a few rocks were not enough to best her.

He was pushing beneath her ribs, willing her to stand and she tried, pulling her legs beneath her and unsteadily getting to her feet. She swayed a bit unsteadily for a moment before she regained her balance, chuckling softly. "Hush, love hush. I am fine, just some scrapes and bruises." She murmured down to him. her tongue felt sluggish and slow, probably still attempting to regain itself from the blow her head received. Despite all of her own pain, her thoughts lingered on her yearling. [/b]"Grab the beaver my heart, it was supposed to be a gift to you, a reward for how much you have learned." When the hell had she stopped being selfish? [COLOR=black]"You won't ever loose me my heart, you may look we over once we get home if it would ease your mind."
