
Gather the Gods [MEETING]


01-12-2014, 11:32 AM

Song's call roused the brown brute from a peaceful meditation in the warm sunlight. A smile sprung to his maw and he quickly surged into a standing position. Bhaire looked up over his shoulder, trying to spot Odd among the leaves of his mangrove tree. The bird, always a step ahead of him, was already soaring down. Bhaire chuckled and stood, so that his friend might rest upon his shoulders, as he so frequently did. "Our alpha calls, and we must heed." Odd laughed out his strange, clicking laugh, and the pair took off and a quick walk towards the summons' source. It was not long before they came into a clearing. Bhaire had not met overmany of his packmates, and was excited to meet them now, as he was excited to know what their alphess desired of them all. The man came into the clearing quietly, and with a warm smile for Song, unsure whether she would see it or not. Bhaire settled down in the back so that he might look over the gathering without disturbing those already in attendance. He recognized only a sparse minority among the gathered forms, and thought to himself that he must work to remedy that in the coming months. He could hardly be a guiding force for his pack if they did not know him! As it was, Bhaire kept his eye out Novel, hoping that his apprentice might join him before the meeting began.

"Talk" Think "Odd"