
Tending The Wounded


11-07-2013, 02:46 AM

Somehow, he had made it off the field of battle. His attempt at revenge on the white beast hadn't succeeded, but he had done as much damage as he could and he had help. It seemed he wasn't the only one who hated the so called king. His muscles burned, his wounds bleeding and his pelt stained with crimson. The final blow from the kings bitch had jarred him...and permanently scarred him. His right eye was bleeding heavily, and he feared that he might never be able to see out of it again. Labored breathing arose in his chest, yet he pressed on. He wasn't going to die here, not away from his newfound soulmate Ozz. He had no idea that she had come to Valhalla, he thought that she was still back in Tortuga. But he feared that if he tried to return to Tortuga without first seeking medical help that he would not make it. The stench of blood filled his senses, his vision blurred as his head throbbed. His paws stumbling across the ground as he occasionally fell to the ground. His slumped body would pull itself up just to press on. His determination at seeing his newfound love strong. In fact, it was the only thing that kept him going. If not for Ozz, then Tidus would have given up his life in the field of battle without a second thought. But before plunging into the war he had promised himself to return to Ozz alive. His only regret was not telling her that he was what if he died here today and never got the chance to tell her how much he loved her?

At last he would hear the dull sound of voices. Though to someone who didn't have a head injury like his it would have sounded clear. Swallowing down the taste of blood, he stumbled into the clearing and his body would fall to the ground. His legs shook, unable to support him any longer as his vision began to black out. He knew he had made it to the medics, he could barely catch the sharp scent of herbs and see their forms through his flickering field of vision. A gasp escaped parted lips as he thought for a second that he had caught a glimpse of Ozz and a rather large black figure. Was that the demon wolf that walked beside her? "O-Ozz?" He managed a barely audible whisper, and then his world would lean towards unconsciousness as he faded into darkness.

ooc// Injuries: Right eye blindness, bleeding heavily. Bruised face, bite wound to left side of abdomen, bite wound to lowerback/haunch.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think