



11-07-2013, 10:01 PM

Due to the rightward angle of Isardis? reaching jaws, Thane?s attack to the left side of his neck would fall unfortunately short of significant damage; the muscles and skin were tightened due to the flexions of his right-extension, and somewhat luckily his opponents incisors would manage little more than to break the top layer of stretching skin and pull away sensitive hairs. The dark beast began to shake his skull as Isardis would mercilessly attempt to tighten the muscles of his jaws around his landed attack above the ankle, pushing forwards in an attempt to force the limb into his molars where bone-crushing force would potentially be applied. Meanwhile, fragments of his coat would be torn away from his red-raw skin with the thrashing of Thane?s skull, pins of blood threatening to break the surface due to abrasion.

Upon his retraction and change of direction to left, Isardis would instead be met with the boys face; a somewhat welcomed surprise as Thane would latch against the structures of Isardis? upper jaw, teeth grazing over sensitive leather as The King would retaliate. Ambitiously, Isardis would strive to lock mid-way and slightly to the right side of Thane?s lower jaw with his own ravenous teeth; determined to tighten relentlessly as lower canines would seek the sensitive, bone-less skin on the underside of the jaw (under the tongue, on the outside) and the upper canines into the soft flesh of the tongue. With the man now apparently freed of his back, Isardis would aim to twist his haunches to his right until hopefully forming an ?L? shape with his opponent?s right side; still striving to maintain his jaw grasp. Then, stepping several times to the left, and hoping to push downwards with his skull (simultaneously twisting his head rightwards to ease any discomfort on himself), Glaciem?s King would attempt to push Thane?s lower jaw back towards his chest until it possibly snapped or dislocated at the hinges due to the unnatural angle.

If the boy moved backwards Isardis would strive to move with him, the idiot?s grasp upon his upper jaw managing no more than surface-scathes and discomfort to the bone and nerves. It seemed Thane would aim to thrash his skull, however Isardis hoped his own defences and rigid spine would ease the severity of the motions. As was typical of the practised warrior his defences would remain; limbs square, weight equal, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin guarded as much as was possible in his actions, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws ready, muscles rigid.

Isardis & Artemis vs. Thane ? Round 1 of 2!

For permanent maim to Thane; Severe Lameness, and/or defected speech via tongue attack. (To be decided on by The Judge)
Defences: limbs square, weight equal, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin guarded as much as was possible in his actions, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws ready, muscles rigid.

Attacks: Attempting to worsen damage to attack on right forelimb. Attempting to lock with Thane?s lower jaw (as he bites Isar?s upper jaw), hoping to sink lower canines into the soft, bone-less skin under the jaw, and striving to sink upper canines into the tongue. He will then step left-wards after repositioning his body, and hope to push Thane?s jaw back towards his chest in hope to break or dislocate at the awkward angle.

Injuries: Small skin tears and abrasion to the left side of the neck, also loss of hair. Grazing on the skin of the upper jaw.