


11-07-2013, 11:36 PM

War had reached the dames ears, and so she had bided her time to leap into the fray with her dear husband. Though her husband did not know it, she would aid him just as she had promised during their life together. Even with her memory loss, Ookami had regained some of it back, and she knew that Thane was her husband and that they were extremely loyal to each other. Small paws danced across the ground as she moved like a shadow through the bodies of flailing and fightings warriors. The stench of blood did not unnerve her as her sights fell upon one goal. Her heart quickened when she finally spotted him, her husband being attacked by a white albino who seemed to be threatening the life of her beloved. With a snarl, she would place her defenses. Ears tucked, hackles raised, head lowered over her throat, weight evenly distributed, shoulders rolled forward to add protection, eyes narrowed, tail out for balance, and then she would charge from behind the beast. Her small body ran swiftly over the ground, her paws quiet as her weight was evenly distributed, and the noise around them would hopefully aid in masking her approach. Her narrowed glare glinted with hatred to those who sought to harm her family, and so she would seek to do as much harm to them as she could.

She would close the distance, lips curling over her open maw to reveal sharp daggers as she aimed for the white beasts left hind thigh. Her teeth would seek the femoral? Artery(can't remember the name atm but the main artery in le hindleg lol) and she would attempt to grab on as best she could and then try to rip out what she could to cause heavy bleeding and pain. If an enemy wanted to play, then she wouldn't play nice. She had no mercy for those that tried to hurt her loved ones, and so this bastard would learn. Fury edged her features, her tail tucking as she made the attack, scruff scrunching and her muscles tightening and going rigid as she held her body low to the ground, kneees bent, toes splayed, claws digging into the soil for ease of movement. She wanted to try and handicap this beast, and so after her initial attack wherever she hit, she would leap back and go for another target on the same leg; his Achilles tendon. Her teeth would seek a mark, wanting to rip flesh and muscle from the body of the beast. She wanted to do as much damage as she possibly could, so she would put everything she had into her attacks and not hold back.

Ookami & Thane Vs. Isardis

Round 1/2

Defenses: Ears tucked, hackles raised, head lowered over her throat, weight evenly distributed, shoulders rolled forward to add protection, eyes narrowed, tail out for balance, weight evenly distributed, lips curled, teeth bared, her tail tucking as she made the attack, scruff scrunching and her muscles tightening and going rigid as she held her body low to the ground, kneees bent, toes splayed, claws digging into the soil for ease of movement.

Attacks: Attempts to bite Isardis' left hind femoral artery?(whatever its called) and she would attempt to grab on as best she could and then try to rip out what she could to cause heavy bleeding and pain. Afterwards she will then leap back and then move forward again in an attempt to grab and bite the achilles tendon on the same leg and do as much damage as she could.

OOC// As stated beforehand, I don't want her becoming maimed. I already allowed one wolf to do so even when I asked him not to be...I would kindly ask that this be respected. Thank you.