



11-08-2013, 02:35 AM

Words of war and training mad no effect on the pale girl. Sure she heard it but there was no concern for it as of yet. Her mind was more focused on the fact of Detest verbally lashing out at her, Song mentioning a "mother", and no one else coming to her aid. Song should have remembered that she had never been one to be dominate, to stand up for herself. In situations like these she tended to close herself off and just sit there. Her body seemed to recoil in on itself, wanting comfort yet non was given. She had hoped that Song would have at least come she her side, or even asked her about what was going on. But no, she was just going to stand by and not even look at her. Did Song actually believe that she was a traitor?! It seemed she had already given up on her family before Symphony she her siblings have even came here and found a new family. She had hurt and pissed at feeling that she had been somehow replaced, but more importantly that her siblings had been replaced. Honestly she would have cared less if it only effected her, but if her other siblings were involved it was another story.

Her eyes flitted over to Detest, liquid fire blazing as he made accusations at her. A traitor?! She had done no such things. This male knew nothing. And he had honestly thought a healer would just walk away from someone fighting then he was dense. It would have mattered not who was fighting, every nerve and cell in her being prevented her from doing such a thing. She would have nearly snarled at him if she had the courage. Instead she turned her eyes away to look the the shadows. She had never felt alone before till now. How she wished Howl was here with her. He would have never allowed anyone to talk to her in such a way, or would have atleast calmly asked her what was going on. He would have been there to give moral support. But now she had no one. She was so disappointed in Song. She did not except Novella to understand what was going on or even how to react. She was her older sister, had to be strong for her. With a stifling sigh she straightened her back and turned to look back at the Sol.

Atlas...enough. She said softly right before Jupiter finally cut Detest off. Atlas silently lifted in the air to come and land on her shoulder, preening the fur around her left ear and neck comforting. As Jupiter closed the meeting to an end she stood up. Once all had left she slowly made her way to her Sol. Head bowed down, tail dragging behind her. Jupiter i did not know the past you had with Amenti, Medusa, or even Detest. So when Detest said he knew you i could not leave Medusa to fight and knowing she would come out with at least bites, i stayed. The heart of a healer would not let me leave, it is not in my nature to walk away knowing there is someone i can help. She paused for a moment trying to figure out to word everything for Jupiter to understand her actions.Back home we had a pact among Healers. Borders meant nothing to us. If we sought help or more knowledge we would seek each other out. We held no knowledge from each other. When sickness came and my supplies were low, the other healers offered some of theirs. Such a bond like that can help one's pack greatly in times of need. So i had hopes i could bring such a thing here to Alacritis. I went to Amenti then Tortuga to learn what their pack was like and the possibility of forming that alliances. Canttina would have agreed but only would her healer treat females. I thought it might be more wise to have a neutral alliance with a pack like her's than an enemy. As the saying goes, Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. If Medusa had not arrived maybe things would have gone smoother. But two wolves that antagonize each makes a bad situation. As for Tortuga they have a new Alpha, who seems fair and has sought alliances with others to keep peace. He has no Healer at the time and i was wondering if i could help them till they found one. I never fully said Ludiceal would make an alliances but that i would bring you this information for you to gather and make a decision. I did not want you bias on packs till we knew more about them. I am sorry. She said softly, eyes remaining averted. All the while Atlas tried to look small between her shoulder blades.
