
The Armada Family



11-08-2013, 12:56 PM
Original Name: Fermin Armada

Chosen Name: Fermin Senti-Armada

Alignment: Neutral

Brief History: I wanna talk to Andy about this since Sendoa would be his sibling. The bottom is just a basic idea, will work it out more if he is accepted.

He would be closer to his mother and an okay close with his father, a strong and intelligent man who could've been a threat to Garaile's leadership but choose to sit back and just follow orders given to him. He would've helped teach younger wolves how to fight, and would even watch over pups if mothers wanted to get some air or go on a hunt. He didn't do much, just kind of sat there as a friendly guy, helping when needed and stayed out of trouble.

Plans: Just chill at first, roam around and get to know the lands and packs that lived in them. Will probably learn about Isardis and his sister and will try talking to her to see what has been going on. Depends on what kind of plots I can get with him.

Appearance: link He'll be given a few scars, this was just a quick ref.

A big boy who can sure deliver a punch, Fermin stands at thirty-six inches and weighs around one hundred and seventy pounds. He was built to be a fighter, going out and fighting when needed, or hunting large prey. His coat is made up of multiple colors, but mostly those from his mother, Ainhoa Senti. A sandy coloring goes from his lower jaw, down his neck and chest and underbelly, while a darker clay-ish color covers most of his face, lower half of his limbs and underside of his tail. Darker cobalt blue covers his ears and back of his down down the sides of his neck, over the shoulders and lifts at the base of his tail, fading into the brown of his tail. A light golden brown fills in the rest of the space between the blue and sandy on his neck, upper legs and sides. Topping him off are lighter blue eyes.

chill ? friendly ? brave ? respectful - observant - tough
A gentleman in a way, Fermin will have respect towards others but even more for women and those older than him or in a high position like an alpha. He will be a kind man, helping those he feels need it, chill, and just the type to lay in a field and watch the clouds or stars move by.

He will do what he feels is right, acting on logical reasons made by thinking over a situation rather than acting by his heart. This could get him in trouble at times because if he feels somebody is doing something wrong because they are letting emotions take over, he will call them out.

When it comes to interacting with others, if they aren't an ass to him then he won't be to them, he takes ?treats others as you wish to be treated? very seriously. When somebody is being picked on or he feels those he considers friends to be threatened, he can turn into a whole other wolf. In a way you could say he is blinded with fury, harm a single hair on somebody he knows, he won't hesitate in ripping a limb off. If the odds are against him, the man won't back down, he will still step forward and try, believing nothing is worse than giving up without at least attempting.

It sometimes would seem like he keeps a distance between him and others, staying a bit closed up and not really revealing his emotions. That's just how he is, people can't really break through his shell. He keeps this up so he doesn't harm those around him, whether it's emotional or physical. He keeps the emotions in, even when in severe pain.