



11-08-2013, 02:52 PM



Success? Not so much. Despite the mans effort to inflict serious damage to the horse he hadn't even landed in the desired area on her back. Nevertheless he still had an advantage. Though his landing had been rough due to the horses sudden charge forward his claws had not been totally useless. Razor sharp claws sunk into the flesh of her hips as his chin fell upon the front part of the woman's group. His chin would likely bruise from the impact, but it would be no where near a threatening injury. His mouth had been open and ready to grasp her head, but due to the impact it had momentarily clicked shut- but now it was gaping open again, fangs seeking to purchase the back part of her loin. (beneath where his chin had landed) Back paws had landed in a very particular place. His original aim had been to set them on the woman's sides, but since she had charged forward, they had landed on the woman's gaskins on both of her back legs. Instinctively his body had curled around the curve of her massive rump, which not only assisted his momentary balance, but his grip. Luckily for him this had caused her first kick to miss. Due to his gripping claws and curved body, he had managed to hold onto her during the first buck.

The second buck? He would not be so lucky. As she quickly rose and bucked again the man realized that he could not hold on much longer. He could risk a full blown kick to his body by holding on, or he could be flung across the battle field away from her and to safety. He would take a bruised body over punctured organs any day. He would release any flesh he had managed to grasp between his jaws (if his attempted bite worked, because despite her movement he was still aiming to bite her somewhere) and he would allow his body to be flung backward and off of the horses back. Front claws would be curved and drug as he attempted to do as much damage to her hind end as possible. A loud roar would raise above the snarls and growls of the wolves around them as he flew a good three feet away from the she beast. He hit the ground with a loud thud, and instinctively he allowed his body to roll a few times before quickly gathering himself back onto his feet. His muscles already ached from the impact, but with the adrenaline pumping through his body the pain was bearable.

When he was up again, and during the entire time on her back, he had kept his defenses in place. While on her back his ears were folded against his skull, eyes were squinted slightly, chin was tucked, and lips were curled to expose his fangs. His entire pelt flared for extra padding, and his shoulders rolled to protect the sides of his throat and neck. His abdomen remained tense, his body was slightly curved to align with the curves of her rump, his tail was out and curved slightly to assist with his balance, his claws were extended, and his toes were splayed to assist in gripping as much flesh as possible. When he had been bucked off, he had closed his jaw to protect his teeth from any possible kick, had pulled his legs close to his body to protect them from any lashes, and had relaxed his body to prepare for the grounds impact. Once standing up again his legs evenly parted, his knees slightly bent, his head leveled with his spine, his tail leveled with his spine, his claws extended to grip the earth, and his toes splayed. He was again ready for anything she might throw at him.


1/1 Kusugra & Satis vs Obsidian for KO
Attack(s): Attempting to bite the end portion of her lion before she begins to buck (since he had been intending to bite her head he was still aiming to bite something upon contact) | claws gripping her flesh before and as he gets bucked off, attempting to rip and do as much damage as possible.
Defenses: Both during and post attack defenses stated clearly in the last para.
Injuries: Bruised chin, moderate bruising on his entire body(ribs/sides/stomach) from hard impact during his landing.
OOC: I used THIS as a reference to the words i use in my post regarding areas of the horse. I also drew on THIS picture of a bucking horse to give you an idea as to where kus landed on her before being bucked off.

talk, think

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