


12-07-2013, 06:31 PM
Boredom had brought her to the old human creation, a strange thing, but it seemed quite worthy of exploration. Muscles would ripple beneath tawny fur, and pale yellow optics would scan the strange place. It seemed to be a good place to den, should she be unable to reach her forest in the case of a freak blizzard. The scent of wolves tainted every inch of the place, and it's appeal diminished almost entirely. She despised wolves, they were so pathetic, boring. They weren't even strong enough to take down prey on their own. The monster growled in annoyance, her long tail flicking behind her. Rounded face would pivot upon her powerful neck to take in the entrances to rooms on either side of her. It was getting quite boring now. One room peaked her interest, it was filled with trinkets that smelled untouched by wolves. The beast stepped inside, taking in the scents of strange things. Little did she know it was once a supply room, untouched by the previous owners of this place. Long claws would unsheathe and begin taking apart the packages to discover what was within. What appeared to be bottles made of coloured ice shattered upon the ground as their ropes were cut, and foul smelling liquid poured onto the floorboards. Lowering her cranium, the daemon screwed up her face in disgust, but nevertheless placed her tongue upon the surface of the puddle and lapped up a tiny bit. It tasted foul, like rotten berries and leaves. Shaking it free of her whiskers, she trotted out of the room to the deck of the ship. This place would not be graced with her presence unless she was desperate. Taking in the mess upon her beautiful bodice, she began using her raspy tongue to clean splinters of wood from her fur and cleaned the remains of the foul liquid from her front paws. A sliver of her claw had split off, and she tore it away with her teeth. Flicking her tail in irritation, the terror of the trees cleaned herself off while waiting for something to ruin this day further, if that was possible.