
Count on It [puppy birthing]


02-06-2013, 10:45 PM

The pale female panted heavily, looking around with a panic in her eyes. There was no one there and it felt like forever before her eyes finally locked on Collision. It was clear in her eyes, the relief she felt to have him there. She wasn't alone. In a normal situation the small wolf would be self conscious having him stand there watching her but with contractions ripping through her she really couldn't even be bothered.

She was going to call him over. She was going to demand him to cuddle her. She couldn't do either and it was clear that Collision wasn't looking to approach her. The healer couldn't complain. On one paw she wanted him there to comfort and reassure her, on the other paw she wanted privacy and had grew up on the idea that giving birth was something to do alone. Who had time for standards though?

It was finally time to start pushing, her delicate body showing off just how strong it really was. There was nothing quite like the battle to bring new life into the world. And boy was there nothing quite like the pain.

A puppy. Male.

Soleil licked him off, her heart leaping into her throat when the small life form cried out. She had time enough to nudge him in the right direction, her tail wagging near the tip. Then her body tensed, legs bracing.

Another puppy. Another male. She did the same as the first puppy. The following contractions being more brutal than before. The puppy that followed was smaller than the others and vigorously as she worked, she couldn't rouse it. Stillborn. No amount of effort would bring life to an already dead puppy.

She settled in with her two puppies, certain that was the last of them. The lifeless pup lay near her paws and though her heart ached for it, she needed to focus on the living. They suckled greedily, kneading her belly to persuade milk to flow. It was almost an instant reaction. She was about to call to Collision when she was again taken by contractions. They lasted longer than the others, much like the ones that came before the stillborn puppy, and she feared for another just like it. As a horrible dread came over her, another puppy was born. She licked the puppy with more vigor than before, desperate to make this one live. It wasn't moving.

When finally a cry was heard, Soleil was the happiest wolf in the world. She emitted an "ar-roo-oo," of joy. Her eyes lit up and picked the puppy up to place it with the others. Three puppies. She panted heavily but it was hard to imagine that she had ever been happier. She felt so full, so complete. This was her life as it was meant to be.

She looked over to Collision, eyes bidding him to come to her. He needed to see them, to revel in this moment as she was.

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