
Stop me!! ... If you wish


11-08-2013, 09:52 PM
It was being so long since the last time he knew someone followed him, the reason was unknown but he had a good guessing about what it could be, and that made him smile pleased. Still that twisted happiness the creature could wear died slowly as he moved deep into that strange land. Everywhere he turned had something unique, for not call it weird when the word described it perfectly, but he avoided using that word as much as possible as he was unique too.
A couple of days or more were the count Flynn had about his last pursuer gave any signal of presence, meaning he was safe and the other one give up, or he was being ambushed and his overconfidence would make him pay finally, but things where so normal the last idea just vanished as fog does with the sunrise.
At some point of his travel the dark and brown male crossed with a signal he believed he won?t find again in his life, and that discovery forced him to stop as his guts got a mixed feeling, hard to describe as it had a tint of hate but so small the rest created a confusion that only meant something, it was time for some fun; the kind of fun many will call stupidity and that only made it irresistible.
Memorizing the place Flynn turned back and looked for materials for his new project, after some hours searching the male returned with a mixture that had a strong smell that a lot of times almost made him puke, but it was ok, not many creations could be elegant. The muddy mixture covered his fore paws and when he arrived to the site in which he found the border markings of a pack the unique wolf started covering them with the disgusting smelly mud. He spend a lot of time covering as many marks he found and got astonished none of the wolves of that pack would be scouting the area and punishing for messing with the integrity of their home. Whatever the reason when he got bored with damaging the border he went to get clean and after that crossed again the frontier of that pack, walking carelessly deep into the hearth of the territory, wondering when he would cross path with one of the inhabitants and what would be their reaction, but if they will chase him out he was ready for the run, in fact he missed a good run to pump his blood all over his body and force adrenaline fill him again.

OCC PD: post will be unappealing for some time till I get time to work on a table for my chars, also any mistake you find and like telling me about would be really appreciated as I need a lot of help to get back on the road. Thanks