



4 Years
11-09-2013, 12:10 AM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2013, 02:57 AM by Isardis.)

Oh yes, Satis had arrived just in time to be greeted by the words of which Eris spoke; as if it weren?t shocking enough for the prisoner to scent Eris upon the borders alone. There had been rumours of the banshee desiring higher rank, that her loyalty to her home was unwavering, and yet here she was, betraying The King that would throw his own life in front of ravenous jaws to keep her safety in good hands; where was he anyway? Surely her father would be hot on the tail of the woman that attempted to flee with his precious spawn boiling within the womb. Valhalla?s healer aided her by whatever sane means; wouldn?t it be laughable if the children she helped deliver were the ones to chew her pipes out in future years? Now, Satis was not at all volatile without the strict orders of her family, but the thoughts couldn?t be helped- what else was to be expected between enemies?

The oddity would approach almost warily, willing to defend herself if the healer decided to attack, acting somewhat passive as she would slink with tucked tail towards the den entrance; eagerly attempting to peer in to where the stench of after-birth so potently rotted. ?You?ve made a tragic mistake, Eris,? hackles began to bristle as her ears pinned in a near-aggressive disappointment for the woman?s actions. ?Do you seek to be the cause of more deaths? Had you any worries for the safety of these Valhallans you would not have lead my father to the door of this foolish healers fatality,? her words were sour as she shook her head, scrutinizing gaze narrowing, ?You carry the one thing Isardis kills for; his children. He will come in search of you, you know that- and he would do his upmost best to be-head everyone in his wake. Yes, he is hostile; and yet only ever for superior reasons and with warning,? her weight shifted as she glanced to the snowy healer, ?This woman is the bringer of death to your people herself, you assist only in her craft of attempted murder; whether she denies it or not.? And oh wasn?t it so true? Eris was a fool, and blood would be shed in the wake of her mistakes.