
Stop me!! ... If you wish


11-08-2013, 11:39 PM

OOC: Serious language happens when Aurora gets pissy, I offer this warning just in case.

A pure white maiden would appear from the shadows, spotting a dark furred male screwing with their borders. A fowl scent reached her olfactory sensors, which could mean only one thing, he was trying to erase their scent markers and leave their territory wide open and unannounced to strangers. A low growl rumbled from her chest, her ivory auds flattening against her skull, her obsidian lips curving to reveal her formidable pearl daggers. "And what are you doing?" She demanded, her faint accent thickening to a dark murderous vocal, her ethereal tones turning demonic. The icy temptress' long, thick banner whipping through the air in anger. No one would fuck around with her borders, especially not this little shit, who had never shown his face around here. Her giant frame bristled, making her seem even larger than her 38 inches. The normally calm, collected alabaster princess was becoming the demonic creature she hid deep inside. Moonstone orbs were starting to show darkness, their depthless, consuming entirety unnerving and terrifying. She was not afraid to take the brown furred male out if need be, or hold him until the Alphess could arrive and set him in his place. Her delicate cranium lifted to the skies, and a deep howl flew from her ebony lips, announcing to the Sol that her presence was required immediately. Now, she stood before the man and waited for his next move, ready for anything.

Corvusi Speech
Aurora Speech