
Fill your stomach



8 Years
11-09-2013, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2013, 02:13 AM by Oracle.)

. . .

Oracle shifted the den was almost empty Galah slept on the other side of the cave ait was still dark but her stomach was growling demanding that she wake up and pay attention to it. She was struck by the memory of another morning when the pups had woken before the sun sitting together at the entrance to watch the sun rise over the waves, that had been almost a year ago on their first trip from the den. Oracle sighed standing up and padding over to galahad she knew he liked his sleep but if she was hungry he probably was too. Their parents had disappeared almost a month ago and Ode well Oracle wasn't sure when her sister had left one morning she had just been gone from the den. Aunt Merci and her pups where along the cliffs and knight, well she didn't know where the brute slept but he was here somewhere.

Quietly she nudged at her brother trying and wake him up, she knew if they told Aunt Merci they where hungry the lady would get them food she was not a good hunter but she always seemed to get by, likewise they could tell knight, the male was good enough to keep Merci's pups fed, but Oracle was determined that she at least was old enough to find her own food, and galah was going to help whether he wanted to or not.

?come on Galah, its time to get up,? she muttered poking her nose into his neck, ?were going hunting or ain?t you hungry,? teeth aimed to close on one of the boys ears, if she caught it she would give it a little shake to get his attention before releasing her hold and taking a step back waiting for some sort of response. Sighing she then turned towards the exit, ?i'll meet you outside when your ready,? and with that she stepped out of the den sitting her behind at the cave entrance she watched as the sun began to rise dragging itself into the sky. there was a strange new sent in the cove this mornign but she paid it no head, she was tired, since Ode had disappeared she had split her time between keeping an eye on her brother and searching the border for any trace of the girl or their wayward parents, so far neither had appeared, still she hoped.
