
Let The Bonding Of Friendship Begin


11-09-2013, 02:43 AM

Crisp morning air would enter his lungs as he took fresh steps across the cool ground. He had gotten up carefully so as not to wake Aeil, off on his daily morning hunt to bring back food for his dear Aeil. He could see his breath stream out in front of him, the chill ruffling his fur. He would make his way towards the old barn, one of the remnants left from the humans that once walked these lands. The red barn would come into his view as he moved quietly across the ground. The dried cornstalks crackled under his feet as he moved, the quietness surrounding him asides from that single sound. He hoped to catch a decent sized creature today, perhaps a plump rabbit or a small goat. Maybe even one of those plump hens he had seen wandering around here.

As he sniffed out the scents for potential prey, another different scent would his his nostrils. He froze, ears swiveling about to try and catch the owner of the scent. He wasn't really alarmed, it was a Seracian after all. Just one he hadn't yet met. He would seek out the scent, approaching with care in case this particular Seracian didn't want any company. He would carefully weave his way out of the corn stalks, sliding out just in time to see her staring at the structure. A light chuckle would rumble in his chest, warm red gaze upon her form as he approached. "Strange creatures the humans were. Some both kind, and gentle. While others were vicious and violent." He remarked. He stopped a foot or two at her right side, staring at the still intact barn. Turning to her, he offered a warm smile. "Good morning. I am Dragon, I don't believe we've officially met, though I've seen you around."
