
Wake Me Up When September Ends



8 Years
11-09-2013, 02:49 AM
For a moment oracle ears fell, not food, then they pricked a look of delight crossing her face, as excitement bubbled up inside her, ?you mean hunting?? she was going hunting, ?really? Can I come?? her ears pricked, as she twisted her body away a little so she could see the ladies face clearly, ?I?ll help, I promise,? Oracle rose to her feet almost bumping her head on the ceiling before remembering that this was not the large den she usually lived in, ?just tell me what to do,? her tail was starting to sway behind her. She had heard so many good hunting stories and had wanted to join a hunt since she was only a few months old, but her parents had been sure to keep her a long way away from the danger, even the realisation that hunting meant killing and the death of others had not dimmed her enthusiasm, after all the animals where there to be food and killing to eat was not a cruelty.

The bright light of her first hunt helped brush away the last vestiges of the sadness now locked away in her heart. Her tail was sweeping faster now it blew past a stack of herbs almost knocking them over and she quickly tucked it she didn't want to give the lady a reason to say no ?i'll wait outside,? she said sheepishly ducking her head and squeezing her way out of the den.

Waiting for the dame Oracle was to excited to sit down, a hunt she was going hunting and if she was lucky Galahad at least would turn up he never seemed to miss a meal. Smiling widely she forced herself to sit and wait patiently, the dame probably wouldn't take long but to an excited pup it would seem an eternity.