
I Just Wanna Fly



11-09-2013, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2013, 11:26 PM by Chrysanthe.)

Surreal's howl had called for her just beyond Valhalla's borders. The woman had gotten somewhat paranoid of the borders, bloodstained and trampled they may be, but she worried that Glaciem would strike again while they were wounded. The ice pack just didn't ever seem to quit. The alpha would follow the sound, her lips pulled into somewhat of a frown - was something wrong? Yet there was no panic in her sister's howl, she shouldn't worry too much just yet - and yet she couldn't pull the tenseness from her stance.

Along with Surreal's scent, there seemed to be the scent of another as well. A male, and one that was familiar to her. Her brows would furrow as she tried to place a name along with the smell, but it had just been so long... whoever they were they were a stranger to her now. She would stand beside the yearling, her blue eyes looking over the male that she had been speaking with. Faintly she had heard his words while approaching, and although the voice was lower now she recognized it. Perhaps this brute wasn't a stranger to her after all! By the time her eyes met his own, her lips held a faint smile to them, and despite her body being tired she would show a bit of enthusiasm.

Preston was back!

He had been a constant when she was a yearling, raised beside her when she was a child. Although he wasn't her brother by blood, it didn't matter. He was family and he was back and wanted to be here. "Well that's two members of our family down." She nearly laughed, but shook her head as she smiled instead. "Preston where have you been? It's been ages!" His disappearance had been sad, but there was nothing that anyone could do - he was just... gone. Chrysanthe had assumed that he didn't want to be found. "This is Surreal, one of Erani's girls. And I hope you haven't gone and forgotten about me." She couldn't help but grin at that point, closing a bit of the distance between she and her brother. He had grown up well - no longer scrawny and short, but a good sized male with a pleasant air about him. "You've missed so much!" Erani's children were growing up so quickly! They were practically as big as she and he now. How would he feel about her being alpha? About Epiphron being Queen of Seracia and Syrinx Arkos of Amenti?