
Tired of Being Lonely



8 Years
11-09-2013, 02:56 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2013, 10:04 AM by Qanik.)

The other wolf was a rogue.

The relief she felt on hearing that surprised Qanik. Once upon a time she'd have been distrustful and disgusted by rogue wolves - wolves who couldn't, or wouldn't be part of a pack. Either there had to be something wrong with them that they couldn't get accepted, or they chose to be selfish and reject pack life, either way she had always been immediately suspicious of them. But that was her old life. That was before she'd gotten first-hand knowledge of what it was like to be alone, of what it felt like to be constantly rejected by packs who thought as she had once thought. Chased and bullied and abused by packs just for getting too close to the borders they protected. She found herself preferring the company of rogues now, because they were somewhat less likely to run her off to protect the interests of their pack.

When the other wolf went into a more relaxed posture, Qanik slowly mimicked her. She sat, heavy tail wrapped around her sore paws, though she couldn't match the other wolf's slouched pose. She held herself more upright, uncomfortable with abandoning her naturally dignified bearing. Just one more aspect of her life with a pack that would probably never leave her.

"I am new here," she answered the other wolf. "My old pack's lands were far from this place, and I've had to travel a long ways to find someplace where my pack's name wasn't known. When my pack fell apart, the surrounding packs were more than happy to punish us for our fall from grace."

Qanik's husky voice was irritated, but who could blame her? Her pack had long been a power in the lands she hailed from and had accumulated many enemies. Enemies who had delighted in showing Qanik just how much they hated everything she stood for. She was still more than a little bitter about it.
"How about you? Did you chose the life of a rogue or was it forced on you?" she asked. It felt a little... rude, to be asking that question, but she was curious.
