
Bring you down a Notch



11-09-2013, 04:22 PM
ooc: Me and Tealah have agreed that we don't want duty points added to scores. I was told they aren't added to fights anymore but if they are then please don't add them.

Unlike most wolves, Fermin thought a fight would be a good way to learn about these new lands. He would be able to see how some wolves fought, what kind of skills they had before going to explore the different areas. It would also be a good way to get back to his main thing, the man hadn't fought in some time now and felt like he was getting rusty. Following the sounds of snarls and snapping jaws, the man would find himself upon a field, wolves scattered about fighting. Was this where they fought?

With a low hum the man's eyes would narrow as he watched two wolves go at it, bodies slamming into each other, a lighter colored male grabbing hold of the others scruff. Fermin would turn away, stalking along the outer edge of the field, looking for somebody waiting to start up a spar he could join. After a few minutes of nothing the aging wolf would come to stand in the dead center of the place, holding his head high, blue orbs sweeping the area once more in case he missed somebody. None.

He would lift his head to the dark sky, jaws parting and allowing a deep howl to spring forth into the air, summoning a partner. With that done he would prepare himself, the guy wasn't really into chatting with spar partners, just liked getting down to business.

So he got his defenses ready, his legs would spread out a bit, shifting his weight and keeping his tail out to help with his balance, keeping himself on his toes in case he had to leap away. Ears were pinned back, last time he had sparred the partner had taking a piece of his right one because he left them hang out. His head would be brought back, scrunching up the skin into folds for protection in case the opponent decided to go for that right away. To protect his eyes he would narrow them, bringing the skin forward to protect the delicate organs.

========== round 00 / 04 ==========



- legs spread to distribute weight, tail also out to help keep balance

- ears back

- head back but level to shoulder so neck scrunches to make skin fold for protection

- weight shifted to toes to leap away

- Eyes narrowed
