
Bring you down a Notch



11-09-2013, 07:10 PM

Not long after he had given a call a brute would approach, dark fur, and matching him in height and close to his weight. Though he was just as big as Fermin, the way he held himself would give away his age, younger definitely and would most likely have the take no shit and do what I want attitude. He'd smirk on the inside at this. Blue orbs would watch the man set himself up, crouching and shifting his weight, fur bristling to try intimidating the man. Pfft, it would do no such thing, the man dealt with worse. He'd pull his head down to protect his throat, a good move most would forget to do, like he had just done. Not everyone was perfect, this the man knew and would correct himself.

The opponent would make the move, launching himself forward and making a move to Fermin's right. The man would lower his head to protect his throat, shifting his weight to his hindquarters to move back in case the dark wolf tried going for a leg our shoulder. The wolf would do a good move, feinting, suddenly moving towards Fermin's left, moving in low and snapping towards his left forelimb. Immediately he thought this would be an interesting fight, he would need to keep up with the younger man to prevent serious damage from being done on his aging body.

Now it was his turn to show the kid what he had. The man wouldn't move when the wolf charged, just kept himself how he had, he was going to drop down then throw his body upward once the wolf was close enough, but the opponent took a different route instead of straight up charging for a side. Since the wolf was going for the inside of his leg, Fermin would bring his head down and back, protecting the underside of his throat and scrunching up the fur on his neck for if the man decided to go there, ears back and eyes remaining narrowed. He would shift his weight into his hindlegs, picking his body up off the ground and pulling his left foreleg back just in time to miss the snapping jaws. Now being above the wolf Fermin would part his jaws, aiming to bite at the man's exposed neck from the right while bringing his right forelimb down and forward in an attempt to push the man backwards.

But just because he avoided a snap to the leg didn't mean he would also avoid the man's other attack. While rising up and trying to bring his right forelimb down to shove the wolf back, Fermin would get a rather hard hit to the right side of his chest that wouldn't knocked the wind out of him had the dark wolf had more momentum behind him.

========== round 01 / 04 ==========


- aims a bite at right side of hati's neck

- brings right forelimb down and tries pushing forward to push hati back


- head down to protect throat, and head back to scrunch up neck into folds

- Ears back & eyes narrowed

- brings left forelimb back

- back legs spread for some small amount of balance (since he is reared up) and tail out


- chest; sore, potential bruising