
Bring you down a Notch



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-09-2013, 08:30 PM
Hati was not fully surprised when his snapping jaws met only air instead of the leg he was aiming for; his opponent was likely too experienced to have fallen for his feint. Nor should it have been unexpected for such a cagey opponent to have taken advantage of his exposed position to aim a bite down at him. Maybe he'd have been able to avoid the bite by rolling himself against his opponents rear legs, if he hadn't already been in the process of throwing himself upwards.

As it was he was throwing himself into the bite, and he had barely enough time to desperately contort his body, letting the force of his opponent's shove with his foreleg to throw his upper body to the side, bringing his head down and to the left - toward Fermin - while he threw his right shoulder forward, before the teeth struck his shoulder. At least he'd had the satisfaction of feeling himself impact with the wolf's chest despite the sudden fire stabbing into his shoulder. As he dropped back to the ground he aimed a slashing bite at Fermin's right foreleg where it was pushing at him.

His forepaws hit the ground again, but his balance was off from Fermin's shove and his right foreleg skidded under him so he went down partly on his right shoulder. He hunched his shoulders up and angled his head, ears still pinned back and fur still bristling, so that his bared fangs were facing his opponent and protecting his front and throat while he tried to bring his right hind leg forward to catch himself and compensate for his right foreleg being folded beneath him. A little awkwardly he levered himself upward and drove his jaws toward the juncture of the front of Fermin's chest and right foreleg. He had no intention of just slashing and running - he couldn't at the angle he was at.

If he succeeded in grabbing hold of his target he fully intended to hold on and grind his teeth deeper into that joint, keeping his shoulders hunched and letting his weight drag on his opponent. If he didn't succeed, well at least he'd be off the ground and he'd have the opportunity to get his right foreleg back on the ground.


Spar: Fermin vs Hati ? Round 2 of 4

Defenses: head down and shoulder out to take Fermin's bite to his shoulder instead of his neck, shoulders hunched with his head down and open mouth facing Fermin to protect his throat and chest while he gets his right hindleg braced up by his shoulder to provide better leverage to get up, digging his claws into the ground for balance and thrust, ears pinned back to protect them and fur bristling

Attacks: slashes at Fermin's right foreleg as he's falling, throws himself at the front of Fermin's chest where it meets his foreleg in an attempt to latch on and grind his teeth into the joint there.

Injuries: somewhat deep puncture wounds on side of right shoulder

Notes: I hope I got the wound description right. Also hoping my defenses weren't power playing. It's more confusing than I thought it would be. @.@
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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