



11-09-2013, 11:40 PM
Edited to add counter--

ooc: i had actually been pending the wait of Sarak to exit their fight...and since I don't see that happening? Brie I am gonna assume you'll be alright with me assuming Collision said fuck the world this is mine? Okay good -and begin-

his blood pumped and churned and he could feel the heat explode through him. This was...everything...intense and awful and wonderful and it was utter bliss. Something he could not simply come to understand. His lips curled in anger and hatred for the boy that was before him and only after each of his attacks racked the others body did he listen to the words that poured from his mouth. Death? Is that what he wanted to bring to this court? But, of course. Collision could only see red now. He could only see blood and payment--and he was aiming to bring back what had been taken. Honor. They all doubted him and the things he was capable of, but alas...Collision was more than capable of giving them what they had brought on themselves. Death. Anyone that had once thought him a poor leader would have their views altered. Today was the last day he allowed himself to be the submissive king.

"Then to the death! You will never hurt my flower again!" and with that he could only expect for hell to be unleashed.

-fighting begins-

Shoulders slid up over his neck and his head pulled back (also tucking his jaw a bit) to coil his neck back and further encumber his neck in flesh, fat, and fur. Jaws were, clearly, open and his eyes were narrowed in on Vixe's bloodied body. Ears rolled back against his head and limbs evenly positioned themselves on the ground below.. Tail was struck out to act as a rudder and knees were slightly bent to further advance his already proficient balance. Paws lightly gripped the soil and Collision made sure to equally distribute his weight and keep his spine in perfect alignment.

Collision would then try to force himself on Vixe and would aim to sink his teeth directly into the boy's face wasting no time. His attempt would be to throw his head directly forward and aim to push his top set into Vixe's right eye and his bottom set into Vixe's right cheek. Regardless of his succession he would gnash his teeth together. Hopeful, of a grip it would be done with enough power that he could hope to heavily and deeply scar Vixe's face. Collision's skull remained upright.

His left shoulder would thrust forward, in the same time as his aforementioned attack, attempting to smash into Vixe's mid-chest. His goal was to make the boy breathless. Oh how he aspired to rock his body of the life giving breath. Simultaneously his right paw would lift and attempt to hook around Vixe's left ankle and pull it out from under him in an attempt to unbalance him. Everything was done simultaneously, including Collision re-distributing his weight onto his three still grounded limbs. To further assist this his back legs would sprawl apart a bit and give him a more powerful base despite his quick and reckless decision making.

Collision vs. Vixe for DEATH

round one