
Dance with the Devil


03-14-2013, 04:42 PM

The boy had just been forced to leave Epiphron's side, not exactly willingly, though. Russet and white bodice carried him listlessly back toward his homeland, though he intended on dragging his journey out so that he would make it back in the dead of night and get some rest before his parents reamed him for being gone. Maverick heaved a sigh as a rock cut into his front left paw, but he kept on walking. Pain was something he was highly tolerant of, and a little cut on his paw pad would not keep him from making his way home - even though he wasn't all that eager to get back.

With every step he had to fight back the urge to turn and head for Valhalla. He knew vaguely where it was located, and knew he could track her scent if he really tried. Still, following her back to her home was surely to come off as needy and unnecessarily attached, and that was not the vibe he wanted to give her. No, in their first encounter he had come off as cool, calm, collected, and rather charming. Maverick wasn't about to ruin that impression. A white figure loomed in front of him, catching the attention of his acid green eyes. The boy would serpentine forward, slinking through the shadows that the vegetation offered. A chuff slipped from his lips as he approached, emerging from some low bushes as she tripped paw on the rock. A chuckle followed suit. "These rocks are a pain, eh?" Maverick held his left front paw up slightly off of the ground, and looked down toward it, gesturing that he too had been tripped up by one. A drop of blood dripped from the cut and he craned his head down farther to lick gingerly at it. That would certainly hurt tomorrow.

Maverick began to think on what Loccian had taught him, and more importantly.. on which plants were used to stop blood and help with pain. Tilting his head to the left, the boy could not believe his luck. Just a few yards away were the exact plants that were used to stop blood and help with pain. Maverick got to his paws and trotted to the plants, snatching some up in his jaws and chewing it to a fine paste, just like Loccian had showed him. He then gingerly applied it to the bottom of his paw and turned back to face the female. "Are you hurt? These plants will help if you are." He would help patch the girl up if she needed help. She looked a bit younger than he, and would probably not know about the plants and their healing properties.
