
Waiting for Superman


11-10-2013, 03:40 PM

She was s stubborn little thing, vehemently protesting against being woken, her whining causing the other pups to stir but thankfully no one would wake. Though she wasn't too fond of the idea of rising at this hour of the morning, the little babe would grumpily rise to her paws and make her way towards the entrance, flopping down beside him, placing her tiny head atop his paws, the natural question bubbling from his daughter's lips. An amused chuckle would rumble in the dark man's chest, crown dipping towards Lakota, daggers gently tugging at her ebony ear. Don't you want to get some breakfast little one? A smile would curl ebony jaws as he gently pushed the ivory babe off his paws, expecting her to roll over in a half asleep heap.

The sable knight would take a moment to give himself his own stretch, front limbs sliding down before him as his hind end remained in the same position, spine extending in order to better chase away the sleepiness. With a groan that borealis would straighten himself up, looking towards his daughter again. Come on grumpy pants, let's catch some rabbits. Knowing full well that she would follow, Cherokee would start off at a slow walk, waiting for Lakota's figure to appear beside him.

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