


11-10-2013, 04:11 PM

He'd been gone for far, far too long - and he knew it. He had known it the moment he left without saying anything, without so much as a goodbye to his son, his daughter. They were truly the only things he had left tying him to this world, and he had left them by the wayside to go and live out his days in solitude. But that had not lasted, nor would it ever last. Gerhardt was not a solitary man - much as he might have wanted to be.

He had missed her too, though he'd tried to keep his mind from lingering on her long. It didn't feel right to feel this way about her - not when she probably saw him as nothing more than a man - someone who used to be a friend. It was doubtful she would ever think of him as anything else, how could she? His heart soared as the scent of the range - of his prosperous son - permeated the air. Seracia still stood, with Maverick at its helm. He could not have been more proud. There were other scents though, Valhallans inhabited his once-Kingdom. Had they come for shelter? To join? Had Valhalla fallen in his absence? Surely not! Woe would be the day that Valhalla fell.

He lifted his head, knowing he had a stake here but not willing to cross into the hallowed grounds until he was greeted. Perhaps Maverick would come, or Epiphron, or even one of his grandchildren he scarcely knew. Better still would be Loccian - though in time he would be sure to see them all. No longer did his eyes have that hollow expression, no longer did he feel like a monster - though at times he was reminded of his monstrous capabilities. He would sit and wonder, tail curled regally about his hips.

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