
Rest at Last -open-


02-06-2013, 10:55 PM

The soft crunching of snow announced the approach of a second wolf. Stillness fell over Secret as she waited for the intruder to make an appearance. A creamy she-wolf made an appearance, clearly happy to find a water source. She drifted to and fro, almost as if looking for something. But then again, everyone was looking for something. Someone. So much had been lost. A soft sigh was stifled just as the wolf took notice of her. The startled wolf acted as though Death himself was staring her in the face. Surely the scent of Tortuga had been mostly washed from her pelt. Not the fae was close enough to pick up any lingering scents. Rising to her paws, Secret watched the wolf, wary, uncertain of how she would react. The devastation had broken many.

"Don't look so afraid." Secret struggled to keep the snap out of her voice, she was not accustomed to those being startled so easily. Tortuga did have a reputation after all, and the weak wouldn't survive. In an attempt to soft her gaze, Secret lowered her in a less threatening manner, not wanting to drive off the only wolf she had seen in days. "Who are you?" it was classic question from the the Tortugan she-wolf, asking many questions in one. The wold smelled of nothing but ash, leaving the ebony wolf unable to identify which pack she belonged to, her face was surely unfamiliar.

Seating herself on the cool ground, sapphire eyes gazed steadily at the wolf. Tired, but steady. She was tired, hungry, sore. Nothing sounded better than a nice meal and a warm den. Her rumbling belly reminded her of that. She had lost track of how many days she had been traveling, how many days she had gone without food or water. The long ago loner was not accustomed to living on few meals. Pack life had treated her well, a steady meal every night, a constant water supply. Now she would have to find her pack again. Or what was left of it. So much was uncertain.

"Have you come across many others?" in this foreign land any company was a welcomed relief from the silence of the unknown. Her look began expectant, a glimmer of hope that there would be others soon behind her. Her look of hope soon disappeared behind a mask, the hardened she-wolf never let anyone see her true emotions. Keeping everyone at bay.

ooc- sorry for short reply, long day at work XD