
Sweet Dreams Child [open]


03-14-2013, 05:15 PM

The alabaster female was walking around her new found home. Sulking in the trees, she took little cover in the dawn light. Slumber was useless at this time. She had paced the night away with thoughts that would not let her weary mind sleep. As the sun peaked over the horizon, the female cursed to herself. Stepping out of her little abode, Zarzenova streached her back, arching upwards and down; seemingly like a cat. Blinking rapidly to cast the dreariness from them; the titian and azure where hidden from the world. The woman took delicate steps toward a water formation; known to many as a spring. Zarzenova stared at her reflection for a moment. She saw her fur, which seeming white but had a silver cast to it. She saw her eyes; they mirrored the color of the sunset and the sky. She saw her small, fine features, her slenderness. A smile formed on her face, not one of happiness, but of egotism. Lapping up the cool water felt refreshing to the female. After a long night, she was glad it was finally over. There was not much to do in the wee morning hours. She supposed she could wander the boarders. It would make her father happy if Zarzenova stopped being so pig headed and helped out more. At least so she thought. In truth, she knew not how to behave properly, or how her father thought of her. Snorting, she threw that idea to the side. No, the princess was going to just sit here, just be lazy and wait for a call, or for food to come to her. Why should she work? She was a princess after all, or would she be a former princess now with Kaien ruling? She knew not, but this mere fact did not bother her. Haunches buckled, Zarzenova sat on the earth; waiting.