


11-10-2013, 06:28 PM

The ivory woman was a gift from the gods in this dark hour. She had already once suffered through the pain of birthing a litter of still-borns alone. God, she wouldn't have to face the wrath of Isardis for her foolish actions if this whole litter were dead, she just wouldn't go home. She'd find herself the tallest cliff in the lands and fling herself from it's edges into its depths. She couldn't live through that again. She would never do that again. She didn't remember labor being this painful, at least the pretty ivory healers herbs were taking effect and the pain was lessening. She listened to the words of the healer, with a slight nod enjoying the story until another contraction came along, bringing the birth of her next pup to crown.

A hissing whine left her, as she pushed her pup into the world, her small chest quivering with effort, as she gasped for air. She couldn't look, she couldn't deal with knowing that this one too was dead. A few seconds passed, before she heard the approach of another and a scent she recognized. Satis . As the other woman spoke she moved to nose the other pup, a thorn stabbing into her heart as she found it dead as well. Why? Why did this keep happening to her?! Satis's words sparked fury in her heart, of all the times.... for the love of God why now? Why in the hell out of all the wolves in this god forsaken land did it have to be her? She could hear the words of the uniquely colored wolf, and each word was a nail to her heart. She had endangered the Valhallan wolves, like Liberty the grey dame who had captured Isardis's attention, if anyone happened... it would be her fault. The ramifications....

Leaping to her feet, trying to ignore the pain she lunged towards the funny colored wolf, her teeth bared in a snarl. As she moved her paw caught the body of one of her pups, the fate of the one she had just birthed still undetermined for the moment, "Go to hell, Satis." She spat, stopping just short of the now Valhallan prisoner. Her small form wet with birth, tears, blood, didn't compare to Satis's height, though she stood as firm as she could before another pain of labor, brought her to her knees. Another pup?

Another wolf appeared, speaking to Satis ordering her to leave, and Eris tuned him out, so close to backing out, she laid on the ground. She couldn't do this... she wouldn't live through this. She couldn't handle another pup... the size of these last two. Holy mother of God. A whine left her, as she pushed, her last pup into the world, and she felt her mind go blank for a few moments succumbing to the pain that she felt. The unworldly pain, before she turned her head, slightly to look at the last pup she had pushed into the world, and was astounded to see it move. Pushing herself towards it, her teeth clipped the sack containing it, and she nosed it quickly, licking it clean, bringing herself to stand over it. A child? A child that lived? "Irune Ezra.." She breathed, giving the bundle a name, welcoming it into life.
