
The broken bones of yesterday


03-14-2013, 05:28 PM

The world was always turning, changing and abrasively forgetting to deliver knowledge to hungry minds. It was merely a matter of seizing the opportunities and never relinquishing ambitions to know the truth. She eyed the wolf before her carefully. Analyzing her. It was an odd gift of hers, to see into the unknown in others and truly read them. This one wanted to know everything the world had to offer. Information was her salvation and she couldn?t help the smile that crept over her jaws. ?You want the world.? She said with a laugh. Her bright eyes slipping shut for a moment as she allowed it to roll from her throat and kiss the world around her. ?What I can tell you, since you wish to know, is I am known as Newt.? She paused for a moment. What the hell was her blasted Sir name? Cerberus knew she had spoken it enough in the past few weeks to many a soul. ?Ahh yes, Saxe.? She finished with an exaggerated bow.

When she pulled herself upright she smiled sheepishly, ? ?hough I assume it is unwise for newly appointed queens to bow to others. I cannot help but show off my manners. Regardless of my newly acquired title as Tarkein.? Her violet eyes filled with challenge for a single instant. The strings of what could be from the after math of Sade?s death were still dancing wildly around her. She could feel the trepidation following in her wake. Someone was bound to want vengeance and she would secure the Thorne that she had inevitably killed to obtain. She had left out the name she had given herself, The queen slayer, when the familiar caw, or rather not so familiar anymore, responded to her question that had been delivered for the lady morphine.

? Is that a shadow of a raptor that my eyes do see? Tell me do your fangs still pierce with the frailty that fallows in your bite?? she mocked; her violet eyes alight with excitement. Now the day was becoming amusing. Her tail slashed behind her as she looked him over and scoffed, ?Not much of a man if you ask me. No wonder your charming bitch abandoned you. Could you even give her children in that sad state your in? Not that she?d ever allow it. The bitch truly is a vile thing. ? She said with a laugh. Oh was he looked for that bitch? The one that was of her blood? Perhaps she could play a little game with him. Give him something to chew on and make him follow her around waiting for scraps to be thrown his way. The insanity churned in her mind for a moment as she heard Morphine say she knew not where his precious treasure had lingered.

?Oh I think I may know a tale or two on the where about of your reapers..? she trailed off for a moment. Who was the Reaper? How did she know that name? Eyes that shinned like demon fire seemed to prickle into her mind and she winced at the knowledge of who they belonged to, and yet before she could grasp the thought it was just as quickly gone. ?What was it you wanted again?? she asked, confusion filling her gaze for a moment as the loss of thought escaped her conscious mind. Then it came back and she laughed,

?Oh where your master is. She is your master isn?t she?? she asked as if the knowledge should be common knowledge. She only heard words of this male. The great Raptor. Who wasn?t so great as he stood between the gruesome and the spider. ?Where is my mind? I did indeed ask a question. A little quid pro quo goes a long way you know. I do believe I asked what realm you descend from Lady Morphine. You seek the world but it comes with a price you know.? She mused, her mood swaying towards a manic state. She could feel the energy swarming her body and eager to be released. She wondered, would the raptor want a taste of his lost lover? She could give it to him if he wanted, at least until he found the real deal.