
Grapevine Fires


11-10-2013, 07:46 PM

It was getting very cold up here, in the Northernmost regions of the land, but the girl was well insulated with her thick pelt the colour of rusty bark. A distressed howl reached her small auds, and she picked up her tiny paws, kicking them a little faster to see what could possibly be the matter. Soon, she came upon a strangely marked, thin furred male. He was shivering so hard he looked like he was ready to vibrate right out of his skin. The petite she wolf with the ivory mask moved around him and nudged at his rear legs with her delicate cranium. ?If you can't handle the cold, why come up north?? She muttered, her breath coming out with a thick cloud of mist. Her sweet alto vocals were strained and impatient, she simply couldn't fathom the reasons this male had for coming up North with such a thin coat. She had found a large badger den underground, and had been sleeping in that while she searched for her father. It would have to do in keeping this male warm while the pair waited out the snow that would be falling heavily for a while.

Leading the man forwards, she ushered him into the large den and waited for him to enter. At the worst, she would simply shove him into the large space underground, and then get inside herself. She muttered to herself about how stupid some wolves could be, doing things they knew weren't smart, to prove some point to themselves.