

The Judge


11-10-2013, 08:54 PM


Round 1

7 for clarity- Your attack wasn?t very clear at all. Where on her side is he planning to hit her? What part of his body is he hoping to use to hit her? At what angle is he approaching? What shape will their bodies make upon impact? Be descriptive.

10 for powerplaying. Notes

8 for defenses. ears flattened, hackles raised, tail out, eyes narrowed, claws dug in.

5 for attack. ?The man would attempt to slam into her right side, trying to knock her off balance, should that succeed he would then attempt to rise up top of her and grab her scruff.? Attack is limited. Also, try not to do ?if, then? attacks. Instead, focus on doing simultaneous maneuvers that can be played out easier.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Gitan Total: 40/50


10 for clarity- Notes

8 for powerplaying. ?Such a motion would deny him any balance upon her shoulder. His left would miss completely due to the angle she?d moved to, and thus the silver knight was not pushed to the ground, for she?d only received half of his intended attack and she was of larger size than he was.? The wording here comes off as powerplaying-ish, though I know that wasn?t your intention. Try to say these things in a less matter-of-fact way, if possible. Otherwise, just focus on what your own character is doing.

10 for defenses. Legs spread equally, limbs bent, weight distributed, claws dug in, toes spread, center of gravity lowered, hackles raised, tail lashing, head lowered, shoulders rolling, neck scrunching, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

8 for attack. Shoulder going for his shoulder, head seeking to bite one of his foremost ribs.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Argent Total: 46/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- Notes

6 for powerplaying. Far, far too much movement in this post. He can?t simply run from her and make a full circuit around her to her backside without giving her a chance to respond.

8 for defenses. Tail out, eyes narrowed, ears back, hackles raised, claws dug in.

6 for attack. ?attempting to snare at her flank on the left side?, then tries to bite at her back leg. Powerplaying issue dealt with in the proper section.

6 for injuries. What injuries did she leave on his ribs? You mentioned a bite to his skin, but how severe?

Round two Gitan Total: 36/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. ?legs spread apart equally, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, center of gravity lowered, toes spread, claws gripping the soil beneath her, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.?

10 for attack. pushed forward to intercept him, jaws snapping toward his spine, head shaking.

7 for injuries. I feel like you could have taken damage from the first part of his attack, even while countering his move around her body to her backside.

Round two Argent Total: 47/50


Gitan: 76/100

Argent: 93/100

And the winner is...

Argent! Gitan must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. He may no longer participate in the siege, and is officially knocked out.


Gitan- Three mild lacerations on ribs that will heal in approximately 3 OOC days. Moderate bruising on side that will heal in approximately 1 OOC week.

Argent- Three mild lacerations on left side (from Gitan?s last attack) that will heal in 3 OOC days.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good fight, guys! If you want further comments contact Andy.

- By [Andy]